Apply To Have Your Matric Papers Rechecked Or Remarked

Most National Senior Certificate (NSC) exams candidates are still sceptical If their results are marked correctly or perhaps mistaken. There is an opportunity for such candidates to apply to have their exam paper re-marked or re-checked.

Matric Result SA

Matric results are officially out. Are you not happy with your marks? You can register to Rewrite matric subjects.


To get your Matric Papers Rechecked Or Remarked, there are certain requirements a candidate should observe which is FEES.

The fees for re-marking is R120 per subject and R290 for re-checking a subject.

What is Remarking or Rechecking?

A re-mark means that your examination will be marked for a second time and a re-check of your scripts is a further check to ensure that all questions are duly marked and that all marks are correctly calculated.

How do I register for remarking or Rechecking?

Registration can be done at either the school or district office in the province. All instructions on how to do this can be found on the reverse side of the Statement of Results you received at your school.

What is the closing date for Matric Remarking or rechecking?

The closing date for applications is seven days after the release of re-marking or re-check results which is 10 March 2021.

If you feel that you rather want to rewrite the subject completely, you have until 31 March to register to do so. You should visit the district office and complete a form there.

What Is the Result Released Date?

Results from these will be released on 13 April.

Things to Note:

Know that viewing of scripts may only be done after a re-mark or re-check of results.

Also know that there is no guarantee that your mark will improve by much, however, it is worth a try.

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