How to Check UNISA Exam Timetable for May/June 2023

The University of South Africa (Unisa) has released the 2023 May/June Examination Timetable.

The UNISA Examination Timetable contains information like; Unisa examination venues, details of the invigilator and general instructions for their exams, and Unisa Esams Date and time.

Students are encouraged to confirm the dates of their module examinations.


It is to be noted that the Unisa exams are held online, Participants must have reliable access to a desktop/laptop/mobile with a stable internet connection and camera.

Violation of the examination instructions may result in the application of the Disciplinary Code for Students.

Examination dates are subject to change, however, only the university is allowed to change dates. Dates will not be altered at the request of students.

How To Check Unisa Exam Timetable

To log in to view the unisa timetable, follow the general information regarding the exams below.

  • STEP 1: Visit the Unisa website.
  • STEP 2: Insert your module codes.
  • STEP 3: Click “display” to view the dates and times of exams.


Invalid module codes will be ignored. Candidates are advised to enter the correct module codes to ensure that they do not miss any examinations.

Those who are unable to access their examination timetable are encouraged to contact the Examination Administration Division immediately through with their student number.

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