How to Upload Supporting Documents on SARS eFiling Website

Taxpayers that have to upload supporting documents (relevant material) using SARS eFiling/MobiApp should make sure the documents meet the following standards and best practices:

Related Searches: “SARS efiling 2021 login, SARS website, how to upload tax documents, submit documents, awaiting supporting documents, efiling registration…”

Supporting Documents on SARS eFiling Website

1. The file type may be .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .jpg and .gif to enable SARS to view the documents.

2. The maximum allowable size per document may not be more than 5MB and a maximum of 20 files may be uploaded.

3. The maximum allowable size per document Documents uploaded via the Mobi App may not be more than 5MB and a maximum of 10 files may be uploaded.

4. Try to scan your documents in batches to ensure that each file is less than 5MB.

5. Make sure that the image setting on your scanner is set to 300dpi or less so that the scanning quality is optimal. Your scanner must also be set to black and white and not colour.

6. You can upload up to 20 files separately, meaning you can upload today without submitting and upload again tomorrow and then only submit.


DO NOT submit until you have uploaded all your files.

However, once you click the submit button, you cannot submit additional documents, as the supporting document link will no longer be available after declaring that you have submitted all your supporting documents.

A new link can only be opened by the reissuing of another request for supporting documents, by the auditors or verifiers if they require more documents.

For tips on setting up your scanner, changing the colour to black & white and changing the resolution to 300 DPI, click here.

How to Upload SARS eFiling Supporting Documents

To upload the supporting documents, here are the steps to follow.


Log into your eFiling profile


Click on Home


Click User


Then select “Pending registration”


Thereafter click on “Open” in the middle of the page, This will take you to the “Registration work page”

On the Registration work page, you can click on “View” to see what SARS wants you to send them.

  • They usually request a certified copy of your ID,
  • three months bank statement that’s stamped by the bank and a utility bill to prove your address.

To upload the documents, you need to click on “Documents for registration” you will be sent to a page where SARS will allow you to either upload the documents or inform eFiling that you dropped the documents at SARS in person.

READ: How to Upload Supporting Documents on SARS eFiling Website.


The page you will be sent to is called “Supporting documents for registration of tax types”

Click on choose a file to search for the documents on your PC

After this, click on “Upload” this will attach the documents under the “Uploaded Documents” section.

If all your documents are uploaded, you can click on the button called “Submit to SARS” this will remove the option to upload any more documents.

Please make sure that all that you want to send to SARS are uploaded before you click on the Submit to SARS button 

Why Do I Have Uploading Failures, What Should I Do?

Upload Failure May Be Caused in The Following Instances:

  • Document with a file name containing special characters such as * # @! & > and others
  • Documents with the same name in cases where more than one document is uploaded.

Please note that if you get a ‘timed out’ error, you may need to re-upload the document under a different name, read more.

  • Password-protected and encrypted documents from Banks and Funds.
    • These PDF documents may not prompt for a password to open up, however, they still have a password built into them and you will have to scan it and re-upload it, read more.
  • Spreadsheets with multiple sheets; information should only be on one sheet.
  • Blank or empty documents.
  • If you receive a file status message ‘The document can not be converted’, please print the document, rescan and upload the new file.

SEE – Supporting Documents to SARS eFiling Using MobiApp.

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