Nkangala TVET College (NTC) Application Dates 2026/2027

In order to ensure adequate time for application, processing, and planning by the university and yourself, applications for early admission in 2026/2027 should be as follows;

Nkangala TVET College (NTC) Application Dates 2026

  • Registration is open at different times throughout the year, depending on the course of study.


For more information, please do well by dropping a comment below and we will give you a positive reply.

SEE – Nkangala TVET College Admission 2026/2027: How to Apply Online for Application.

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  1. Good day
    I would like to enroll NTC Application 2022 for my son, can you please send me application form and where to Submit.

    Hope to hear from you soon
    Kind regards
    Fortunate 072 6176 468

  2. You assistance will be highly appreciated

    Kind regards
    Fortunate 072 6176 468

  3. I need a link to apply at nkangala college

  4. I want to apply

  5. Cecelia thalitha maake

    I need a link to apply at nkangala college

  6. I want an application form

  7. I need the link to apply

  8. Greetings. Is it a must for me to come to school and get the form or you can send it to me?

  9. I want to go to tvet collage for this year 2022.i was in waiting list stated in 2019 still now

  10. Hello are the registration still open? I will like to register and am a first student

  11. I need a link to apply at nkangala Tvet college

  12. Hey. I would like to if late applications are open?

  13. Am struggling with applying

  14. I want to apply

  15. Can i get the application form without going to campus

  16. Mbatsane Mpumelelo Given

    When is the opening for the placement test for the engineering course. My application is successful just waiting for the pre enrollment date to open

  17. How do i get an application form without going to campus j have tried so many times plz help

  18. Is registration still open for 2022?

  19. Please I need help,how to get the Nkangala application form

  20. hi I would like to get a link to apply for ntc for year 2024

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