Sekhukhune TVET College Admission 2026 : How to Apply Online for Registration

The Sekhukhune TVET College has sent an invitation to the Prospective undergraduate, postgraduate and international students to apply online today. Therefore, it is best to apply as soon as possible ➡  Application Deadline for 2026.

Sekhukhune TVET College Application 2026

How to Apply Online for Sekhukhune TVET College Application 2026

Step 1:

Choose a course and Fill in the application form which is available on all our campuses and the Admin Centre, or you can apply online.

Step 2:

Complete your application form in full.

*Remember you’ll need an email address.

Step 3:

Attach all supporting documents.


To apply online, you will need

  • Internet access.
  • A valid personal email address (should you not have an e-mail account, please open one before proceeding with your online application).
  • Your latest school results – Example: Grade 11 final or grade 12 June or September or final school-leaving results – No Grade 12 March results.
  • A valid SA ID number or passport number
  • A valid cell number correctly, as your application status will be communicated via cellphone

Step 5:  

Looking for Funding?

Check out all the available funding opportunities. If you’re not sure about the differences in funding opportunities, see NSFAS 2026

MUST READ ➡ Sekhukhune TVET College Application Requirements 2026.


CS Barlow Campus

  • 013 269 0020

CN Phatudi Campus

  • 013 216 8005

Apel Campus

  • 013 269 0278

Central Office

  • 013 269 0278

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  2. Ramaredi Maciah Molefane

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  9. Tetelo precious ngele

    Hello .
    I’ll like to study with you

  10. Can you assist me to register for the sekhukhunetvet

  11. I want to study at sekhukhune for computer course

  12. Which courses are still available

  13. I want to study at sekhukhune for Management Assistance

  14. I want to study at sekhukhune for mechanical engineering

  15. I want to study at sekhukhune for marketing.

  16. I want to study at skhukhune for engineering

  17. I want to study at sekhukhune for engineering

  18. How can we get application forms ?

  19. I want to study media and advertising sekhukhune tvet college please help me my number 0818081009

  20. I want to study office administration at sekhukhune .I need help about application

  21. I want to study information technology is still available


  23. I want to study at sekhukhune fo veterinarian

  24. Hi 👋 I want to study for electrical engineering

  25. How can I apply for second semester

  26. I want to study human resources management at sekhukhune.i need help about application

  27. I want to study office administration at sekhukhune TVET

  28. I want to study office administration at sekhukhune

  29. I want to study at sekhukhune tvet .I wish i could get your help via online application

  30. I need to study this year how may i register help please

  31. Can I have a link to apply online for Sekhukhune at csBarlow campus

  32. I want to study for an administration at sekhukhune tvet collage.please help me to apply online and register.

  33. I am interested to further my studies at sekhukhune TVET college therefore I could be happy to be one of the student at sekhukhune TVET college.
    Thank you!

  34. Please assist me with application and registration to be admitted at sekhukhune TVET college

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