Taxpayers may upload supporting documents using the Mobi App, by browsing to the folders on their device or taking a picture with their camera.
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How to Upload Support Documents to SARS eFiling Website on MobiApp
Documents uploaded via the Mobi App must meet the following standards and best practices:
1. The file type may be .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .jpg and .gif to enable SARS to view the documents.
2. The maximum allowable size per document may not be more than 5MB and a maximum of 10 files may be uploaded.
3. Try to scan your documents in batches to ensure that each file is less than 5MB.
4. Make sure that the image setting on your scanner is set to 300dpi or less so that the scanning quality is optimal. Your scanner must also be set to black and white and not colour.
5. You can upload up to 10 files separately, meaning you can upload today without submitting and upload again tomorrow and then only submit.
DO NOT submit until you have uploaded all your files.
However, once you click the submit button, you cannot submit additional documents, as the supporting document link will no longer be available after declaring that you have submitted all your supporting documents.
A new link can only be opened by the reissuing of another request for supporting documents, by the auditors or verifiers if they require more documents.
SEE – How to Upload Supporting Documents on SARS eFiling Website.