Thekwini TVET College Admission 2026 : How to Apply Online for Registration

The Thekwini TVET College has sent an invitation to the Prospective undergraduate, postgraduate and international students to apply online today. Therefore, it is best to apply as soon as possible ➡  Application Deadline for 2026.

Thekwini TVET College Application 2026

How to Apply Online for Thekwini TVET College Application 2026

Step 1:

Choose a course and Fill in the application form which is available on all campuses

Alternatively, you can apply online.

Step 2:

Complete your application form in full.

*Remember you’ll need an email address.

Step 3:

Attach all supporting documents.

Step 4:  

Looking for Funding?

Check out all the available funding opportunities. If you’re not sure about the differences in funding opportunities, see NSFAS 2026


To apply online, you will need

  • Internet access.
  • A valid personal email address (should you not have an e-mail account, please open one before proceeding with your online application).
  • Your latest school results – Example: Grade 11 final or grade 12 June or September or final school-leaving results – No Grade 12 March results.
  • A valid SA ID number or passport number
  • A valid cell number correctly, as your application status will be communicated via cellphone


Have questions about your application?
Tel: 031-250 8400

Need to find the institution?

Physical Address:
Check out a full list of the campus locations

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  1. Ntombikayise manzini

    I want to apply

  2. I want to apply

  3. Hi
    I really want to apply

  4. I want to apply for 2022

  5. Hi I want to apply

  6. Ntshepeng Malangabi

    Hello I want to apply online for 2022

  7. I want to apply

  8. I would like to apply for 2022

  9. I would like to study @ Ethekwini college next year 2022 Distance learning coarse I like is business manangement

  10. I want to apply

  11. Iwould like to be part of learner at thekwini college this year coars i like is teaching

  12. Hey there i want to study at this college

  13. Senzeka Andisiwe Nxumalo

    Hi I want to apply for this year

  14. I need to apply online in Thekwini collage but I don’t know how to apply..

    Please help me

  15. I would like to study ethekwini tvet colleges for civil engineering N4

  16. I want to study ethekwini tvet colleges for civil engineering N4

  17. I would like to apply

  18. I want to study eThekwini for civil Engineering N4

  19. I want to upgrade my subject

  20. I need to upgrade my subject

  21. Are the application still open

  22. i would like to study at thekwini.;

  23. I want to apply for 2022

  24. I would like to study at Thekwini TVET college

  25. Please help me apply

  26. I would like to apply for 2022

  27. i want apply for civil or chemical engeneering NATED

  28. I want to apply but I find it hard so please help me

  29. I want to Apply but I can’t please help

  30. I want to apply for 2022 but I can’t please help

  31. I want to apply

  32. I have been trying to apply but I can. Is there a link to follow

  33. I want to study while I’m done studying

  34. I want to apply for 2022

  35. I want to apply

  36. I have applied applied but I haven your response
    Please accept my application

  37. I haven received your response

  38. it been months now my application is pending verification and I really don’t know what to do now.

  39. I want to apply for second semester 2022

  40. I’m desperately looking for a college because it my last hope

  41. Sanelisiwe Dube

    I need school and the highest grade i passed is grade10

  42. I want to apply for second semester

  43. I’m desperately looking for a college because this is my last hop

  44. I want to apply for second semester 2022

  45. I want to apply for second semester for office administration and information technology

  46. I want to apply for second semester

  47. I want to apply for second semester 2022

  48. Hi I really want to apply for second semester

  49. I would like to apply

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